March 2025 Feedback

Children are like little blank slates that are ready to absorb everything we have to teach them! ABCs, 123s, colors, shapes and more all before Kindergarten. At some point, they start learning math that is being taught differently than how we learned it, and then stuff gets complicated. Parents can guide their kids and help them navigate life, and at the heart of it, we all just want to raise happy children. But what about the stuff they don’t really teach in school?  What lessons do you think are important for kids and teens to learn before they go off into the world on their own? Maybe if we all work on knocking these skills out, our kiddos will be happier adults. 


…Little lessons to make life easier, big time…


“Something small and sort of silly that I have seen folks struggle with is how to tip! My simple solution was to teach my boys how to do ten percent (move the decimal point to the left one space) and then double it.”
-Amanda C., editor of Cincinnati Family Magazine


“Don’t listen to the limitations set by other people.”
-Rhonda F.

-Justine B.

“Everyone is different and that is GOOD!”
-Julie G

“All about insurance.”
-Lisa M.

“I wish I would have learned, or at least thought, to start paying student loans EARLY instead of just waiting until I graduated.”
-Amanda M.

“I wish I had learned sooner not to sweat the small stuff. Also, learning to think outside of the box to problem solve is amazing!”
-Karalynne W.

“Something that makes you mad immediately probably won’t even matter in five minutes.”
-Jamie S.

“All about taxes! $20 an hour is really $14 an hour, take home.”
-Christie S.

“Credit is important.”
-Amelia S.

“I wish I would have learned how important it was to have a put together resume. Also to put my all into different certifications and lessons to help in a career path. I was focused more on having fun instead of furthering my education and getting real world experience. OH! and never settle; know your worth!”
-Heather P.

“How to take care of your own car.”
-Abby S.

“Managing money.”
-Laura P.

“Start investing in everything, especially your retirement.”
-Jennifer J.

“I wish I had learned how to invest in the stock market sooner.”
-Jill B.

“How to be a good friend.”
-April S.

“Pay attention to your finances; don’t just swipe your card.”
-Heather S.

“Be kind, it is FREE!”
-Nadyne M.

“It is important for kids to learn how to call and set up their own appointments. And learn how to change a punctured tire, too.”
-Asia H.

“I wish I had taken more of an interest in cooking. No one is starving here, but we seem to eat the same stuff every day! Kids need to learn to actually interact with others… everything they do is on their phones!”
-Jennifer A. 


Click here to check out February 2025’s Feedback!

This article was originally published in March 2025.