October is National Hunger Awareness Month, and in an effor to help fill young bellies, Klosterman Baking Company — headquartered here in Cincinnati — is launching a new campaign, Heal the Hunger.  Throughout October, Klosterman will donate ten cents to Children’s Hunger Alliance for every bag of breadsticks sold in Cincinnati communities.  Just pick up a bag of Klosterman Baking Company’s Italian Bread Sticks or Wheat Bread Sticks.

“Approximately 18% of families in Cincinnati live below the poverty line.  That’s why Klosterman Baking Company is launching our Heal the Hunger campaign.  No child should go hungry any day,” said Kim Klosterman, CEO, Klosterman Baking Company. 

Learn more about the Children’s Hunger Alliance at childrenshungeralliance.org and find product information at klostermanbakery.com.