Mark your calendars! The Main Library of the Boone County Public Library (1786 Burlington Pike, Burlington) will host two health fairs on September 22.
From 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., an adult health clinic will feature local health organizations and companies who will share information and tips on how to navigate the health care system for older adults. Attendees can take hearing and vision tests, grab a healthy snack, and enter to win door prizes.
Then, from 5 – 7 p.m., families are invited to a Family Wellness Clinic, featuring special visits by FC Cincinnati, the Black-n-Bluegrass Roller Girls, the Florence Freedom Mascot, and Tales the Library Dragon. Vaccines, car seat safety checks, active play, smoothie samples, CPR demos, and child DNA kits are all on the schedule.
Learn more and get a complete schedule at