You can be eco-friendly while finger painting with the kids with this fun Eco-Finger Paint.

Eco-Finger Paint

by Eco-Kids: Creative Play the Natural Way | | $19.99

If your kids love to finger paint, then they will love painting with these fun colors from Creative Play: The Natural Way. The Eco-Finger Paint set includes five colors made from all natural materials! This eco-friendly paint comes to you in a powder form and are handmade with natural and organic fruit, plant and vegetable extracts including annatto seed, carrots, spinach, earth clay, red grapeseed, purple sweet potato, flour, blue gardenia, red cabbage and cornstarch. This gluten-free formula is also made with rice flour and turns into finger paint by just adding water! All you do is use a one-to-one ratio and makes a combined total of 60+ ounces of paint … it’s that easy! It’s got a little bit of a texture to it if you mix it and use it immediately. When the paint dries, you can see and feel the sandy-like texture. It’s non-toxic and great for ages 2 and older.

So, celebrate Earth Day and have fun, too!

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