Put on a pair of these specialty glasses — Holiday Specs — and see Holiday lights transform into tiny objects right before your eyes!

Holiday Specs transform any Christmas lights, fireworks, candles or any bright point of light into magical messages. These holographic lenses are specially made to bend the light creating illusions. The Holiday Specs Christmas glasses line includes Snowflake, Candy Cane, Ornament, Elf, Christmas Star, Fluttering Angel, Santa, Snowman, Reindeer and Gingerbread Man glasses. It’s a great way for kids to enjoy a second look at those Christmas lights. They are paper glasses, like 3D glasses, and easily fold to fit your head. Each set of glasses is individually labeled with what it will show and how to use them, too. It’s funny to see the kids move the glasses side to side to see the specially designed illusion dance right before their eyes! These are great for parties. I’d say stocking stuffers, but you’ll want to use them more often than you think. Just be careful, as with anything that you look through, as these glasses are not intended for extended time usage. But, the typical play and wear from kids is just right.

You can find Holiday Specs in packages of 25 or more, starting at $1.50 each, at holidayspecs.com.