For those life moments when you need to change Baby but don’t want to go all the way to his nursery to do so. Keep the diapers and wipes caddy close!

Diapers & Wipes Caddy
by J J Cole Collections | $29.95 |

A sturdy station to keep the necessities you need when changing baby makes it all easier when you need to change him quickly. Grab the caddy, find a spot to change him and there you go. The caddy has a wipeable changing pad, drawer for creams, lotions and cotton balls in as well as spots for wipes container and diapers — keeping everything is all in one place. Available in four different colors. It’s the perfect little thing to keep close by in the living room when you’re not at a spot to drop everything and go to the nursery. Heck, some people opt to not even have a changing table or station in the nursery because they find it easier to change Baby around the house where it’s most comfortable and easily accessible. This diaper caddy is just the thing for you!



This article was originally published in March 2025.