With all the recent publicity about unsafe baby formula, why not consider breastfeeding? Is it really that simple, though? There are so many questions that a new mother has when it comes to making this decision: What if I don’t produce enough milk? What if the baby doesn’t latch on? Does it hurt? What if we are not at home, and what if I have to go back to work? WIC, La Leche League International and certified lactation consultants are just a few of the resources available to parents to help with all these difficulties and more.
The World Health Organization recommends exclusively breastfeeding for at least the first six months of life because “breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure life health and survival.” The statistics show that the rate of breastfeeding moms has increased.
Bryan Pharmacy has recently teamed up with Hygeia, the experts in breast pumps, to sell and rent the tools necessary for those parents that want to take advantage of this positive life experience. Previously, the price of breast pumps has been out of reach for many new moms, but with the new Affordable Care Act, breast pumps are considered a medical device that can be billed to most insurance companies. The pumps that Hygeia has available are not only eco-friendly but discreet, making it easier to continue with your career, date night and those that want to share the feeding experience with the baby.
It is becoming easier to breastfeed in order to give your child the best possible start in life. Moms’ health is also important when it comes to breastfeeding. Nipple care, drinking lots of water and eating a proper diet will ensure that enough milk is being produced. Remember, whatever you put into your body, the baby gets, too! Breastfeeding also aids in weight loss after giving birth. It’s estimated that the production of one ounce of milk burns 20 calories. So if you are convinced that breastfeeding is best for you and your baby, we have what you need to for this very important time in your life. Call us at (513) 228-0800 and we can help!