30 Monthly Habits to Stay Ahead
by Pam Molnar


Spring cleaning season will be here before we know it. It’s the time of year when we have had enough time indoors to know that we need to get things cleaned up, organized, or repaired. But if we are going to be honest, many of those things do not take priority when we’re raising a family. Many of us are lucky to get through the day by getting basic chores done in between living life.


Today I came up with 30 things that I wanted to get done – one for each day of the month. It is less overwhelming to break it up into one extra thing a day, rather than finding a free weekend to do it all. Take a look and decide for yourself.


  1. Download pictures from your phone and delete the random ones you took this month.
  2. Clean up your email. Today is the day to go through all those emails you have been saving for later.
  3. Change the filters around the house – furnace, coffee maker, humidifier, refrigerator, etc.
  4. Give the pets their flea and tick and heartworm meds. Wash their bedding and bowls.
  5. Clean out your garbage cans from all over the house. Even those lined with bags have things that spill onto the sides and collect at the bottom.
  6. Clean out the inside of the washing machine, dishwasher, and oven. Most have a self-clean setting.
  7. Wash the rags used for d usting, cleaning, crafts, and large spills.
  8. Clean the baseboards and trim. Dust first and then go over with a wet rag.
  9. Vacuum out the vents/air ducts. If you have pets, this is a must. 
  10. Check your credit report, credit card statements, and online banking to avoid suspicious activities, unauthorized purchases, and extra fees. 
  11. Check fluids in the car and tire pressure every month to avoid an emergency.
  12. Get your car washed, vacuum the floors, and remove anything that is no longer needed.
  13. Make a note of all the repairs that need to be done. Schedule the ones you can’t do yourself, and do the ones you can.
  14. Pull out the fridge, stove, washer, and dryer and clean behind them. Vacuum the floor, dust appliances, and clean any spills on the side.
  15. Go through the food in the pantry and refrigerator and check the dates. Don’t forget the spice cabinet.
  16. Check the fire extinguisher. Check the gauge on the side and check the dates. 
  17. Pull the hair out of the drains. It’s a super gross job, yet super important. Grab needle nose pliers and start grabbing.
  18. Check the salt level in the water softener if you have one. 
  19. Self-breast exam – Take a minute while you are standing in the shower. 
  20. Self-skin exam – When you get out of the shower, stand in front of the mirror, and check for new moles or other skin changes. 
  21. Check your utility bills. Take a moment to read the bill to look for new fees or higher rates.

This article was originally published in March 2025.