August is National Breastfeeding Month. In recognition of the health benefits to women and infants, Dr. Lorna C. Shepherd, Chair for the Union Institute and University Master of Arts Online Program Health & Wellness and Bachelor of Science Maternal & Child Health Program, shares 10 reasons to breastfeed.


  1. Decreases incidence or severity of infectious diseases in the infant and fewer allergies are reported.
  2. Decreases rates of sudden infant death syndrome.
  3. Decreases rates of development of chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes later in life.
  4. Enhances neurodevelopment in the infant and improves cognitive development.
  5. Promotes mother-child bonding.
  6. Decreases postpartum bleeding in the mother.
  7. Enables more rapid uterine involution in the mother.
  8. Enables earlier return to pre-pregnant weight for the mother.
  9. It is economical for mothers and families dealing with other related costs of having a child!!
  10. It is simply the BEST nutrition for the infant!! Adequate nutrients in the right quantities, at the right temperature, and well absorbed by the infant.

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This article was originally published in March 2025.